March 02, 2010

I Visited my family in Arizona for New Years! It was so great to see them again. They introduced my to a new burger place there and it was really good but i can't remember the name of it now...oops but i think that they have icecream too or custard.
Oh! my brother in law Bill introduced our family to the world of a smoker. we had an amazing turkey dinner (but it made us all pass out after we ate ha ha we also tried ribbs in the smoker and man the meat just fell right off the bone. yum! sorry Bill but my favorite ribbs are still the ones at Texas Roadhouse.

I got to spend time with my nephew Nash! He is the funnest kid ever. When he starts laughing, everyone starts laughing. His laugh is so contagious. I am sad that i live so far away from him. :( atleast we have proof in pictures that i was around for a little bit when he was a baby.

October 28, 2009

Back in Action

I am back from the Mission, and trying to readjust to the real world and i definitly miss the mission. Coming home is alot harder then leaving that's for sure. I thought that I would try and blog or atleast update this blog. So life is good, i became an aunt to the cutest little guy ever (well i guess i should call him little, he's a big boy and growing fast). I have been playing catch up trying to learn all the news about everyone that's happened over the last year and a half... people have had babies, people have gotten married, people have gotten divorced, people have died and then trying to catch up on everything that is happening in our country, it's a little over whelming. I am up at school at my favorite place and if you know me you know exactly where that is. I am trying to get into the nursing program, so if any of you have any advise i would love the help. i have homework and classes to get to so i have to run :)

March 21, 2009

One Year!!!

Can you believe it's been one year??!! For those of you that don't know, Jennie has been serving a mission in Arcadia, California, Spanish speaking and has been out for one year now. We are so excited that she will be home in 6 months! We miss her sooo much around here. She spent the first part of her mission in an English speaking area and has spent the last several months in only Spanish speaking so she is really beginning to pick up the language and fall in love with the Latino people she serves. She has had some great experiences and has plenty of hillarious stories to share when she gets home. Just thought I'd share these pics with anyone that keeps up on the blog cause I think she looks so beautiful! She loves letters, so if you get a chance to send a card, she'd love to hear from you! 170 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia, CA 91007

February 10, 2008

I Need Your Address

I am getting my address book together! So if you would like to hear from me in anyway, then I need your address, and I was thinking that i could also write a general e-mail and have a family member forward it to anyone that is interested in them. So if you are interested in keeping in touch or hearing from me in any way then I need your Address and E-mail. ( (those are zeros)is where you can send your information) :)
I personally love snail mail! It’s on the top of my favorites list! If you ever want to put a smile on my face then send me anything in the mail :) I don't know there is just something about opening the mailbox and seeing your handwritten name on something (well other then a bill ha ha) It's so exciting to me! I am smiling just thinking about the mail right now!
I was thinking back to all the different missionaries that I have written to and it's too bad that none of them are around to pay back the favor and write me ha ha :)

17 Day's Left!

I can't believe that I only have 17 days left! Its funny how time flies fast when you have a lot to accomplish, and with me being older I have more things that I need to get in order then most. My emotions have been going back n forth between excited to scared. Most of the scared feeling comes from the unknown. I've never been a missionary before, and I hear over and over again about how incredibly hard it is, but I just try and remind myself that anything in life worth having requires sacrifice and hard work. I found out that I am giving a talk this Sunday (the bishops last attempt to get me to have some sort of farewell, because I said I didn't want one ha ha) But I was remembering back to my last talk, when I realized that my last talk was when I was graduating high school and receiving my medallion and that was 7 1/2 years ago. ha ha well it looks as though this talk is going to start me on my missionary roll and get me used to speaking. So I basically have 2 weeks to get everything together and I am starting to freak out about whether it will all get done in time ha ha :) The Lord is awesome and will help me so that I can serve him. Anything is possible when you put your trust in the Lord!

January 16, 2008

I got my CALL!!!

I am staying in side of the great U.S.A

I am going to be in California

In Arcadia

That's right, I have been called to serve in the California, Arcadia Spanish Speaking Mission!
I am totally excited! I report to the MTC on Feb. 27th (that's like in a month!)
I am still in shock that this is actually happening that my mind is racing so I will write more later, but I just wanted to update everyone!

January 14, 2008

Mission Update and New Song

Mission Update!
It's in the Mail!!!
I think that I should be getting my mission call sometime this week. (some people say it comes on wednesday's and some say Friday's ha ha)
Any last minute guesses?

Bon Jovi - It's My Life
is an awesome song!
(I usually update my song more often then I update my blog ha ha so this time i thought that i would make a note)

January 04, 2008

I am Free

The Lord is amazing, and not a singular amazing but in a million zillions different ways amazing! He’s had my best interest at heart and has been guiding my life when I didn’t even realize it. I’ve had to do some of the hardest things and just trust in him and let him guide my life.
I don’t know how many people noticed the songs on my blog, but that’s how I express myself and what’s going on in my life. I love music and there are always songs that know exactly how my heart feels and so I love to let them speak for me.
Anywho, My hearts been taking a beating and going through a rough time, and most of you don’t know anything about my romantic life (because I keep it really private and most of the time my family doesn’t even know either – sorry family I still love ya) I fell in love with someone, who loved me back and I thought that we’d be together forever (if you catch my drift) Well, he had been my friend before and my love then and yet I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t commit. I didn’t want to but I had to force myself to say goodbye and I had no idea why. Well, My heart broke into a million pieces and everything seemed to go wrong in my life and for awhile I thought that I had made a horrible mistake and at the same time something inside me told me it was good for me to do. So I have been sooo confused, lonely, frustrated and living life with my heart in pieces and wondering when it would stop aching. So randomly this person popped up in my life again and it was clear to me that night that the Lord had been looking out for me. That night I got some much needed closure and I feel as though my heart has been put back together and weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can’t even really express how rejuvenated, how free and alive I feel. I am in deep gratitude for the Lord looking out for my long term happiness. I wont lie I wouldn’t want to go through it again ha ha but I am glade that the Lord’s willing to sacrifice my momentary pain for long term happiness.
I seriously am so happy that I feel as though I could bust! I love the Lord and fully trust him with my life and can’t wait to see where he guides me next.